When you are talking to your friends about your life, what is that you’re telling them? Are you talking about what you have experienced that you’re upset about…or are you talking about what you do want to experience?
Many people do not understand the power of their own voice and use it in ways that actively counteract what they want to experience in their lives.
If you considered that every time you speak, you are speaking to the Universe; would that change what you say and how you say it?
What we often do is “beat the drum” of what we don’t want and expect the Universe to deliver us exactly the opposite of that.
You are all powerful creators and it’s time to take that power seriously. It’s time to consider what it is you want to create in the world and to become aware of what story you are telling the world.
I hear many people in my corporate gig for example, speak about what they don’t want in regards to their salary, their managers, their co-workers, etc. and then feel frustrated that the situation doesn’t change.
That’s not an accident and it’s not because there is a group of people somewhere in the company controlling what you do or do not receive. When you buy into the idea that someone else is controlling your experience, you are in denial of your power. You are abdicating it.
This didn’t happen by accident either. Many of us were raised in a society to believe that the power to influence our lives was outside of us. It all ties back to the concept that God is separate from us, instead of us being the embodiment of a part of God. When we grok that concept and start to live from that perspective, we let go of our old outdated beliefs which have imprisoned us in lives that are unsatisfying and actively explore living from a place of Empowerment!
We learn how to consciously co-create our lives with the Divine powers that exist within each and every one of us and we take that power seriously.
There are ways to speak to release how you felt when you experienced something that are healing, but it is different from rehashing the same stories over and over again. As a Spiritual Life Coach, I teach people how to re-frame what they have experienced in a way that heals them and helps them gain the wisdom of what happened, without recreating it to happen again.
Once a client experiences healing; once they experience a real change in what they are now creating, they release themselves from the “blame, shame, victim game.” It doesn’t mean they will never create a similar experience, but they can now no longer claim, they didn’t know how they got there and how to create what they want.
This week, become aware of what you tell others about what’s going on in your life. Listen to the words coming out of your mouth. Feel the emotions you are feeling and ask yourself if this is the reflection of what you want to continue to experience or do you desire to create something different?
With many clients I’ve worked with, it helps them to write down what they hear themselves saying about their life and then ask themselves if they even want to read that story over and over again? If they don’t, why tell others about it?
When you start telling people about the life you want to experience, it will feel like a lie at first because it’s so different from how you’ve been living. It will help you to find a small group of friends who also want to talk about what you all intend to create so you can support each other. It also helps to have people who can help you become aware when you start to speak about the life you no longer want to experience.
As an exercise this week, write out a paragraph for each of the following areas for what you want to be experiencing in life:
· Love/Relationships
· Peace/Security
· Physical Health of your Body
· Financial Abundance/Career
Once you write these out, read them daily and feel the experience as if it already existed. This will help you to stay aware of what you’re telling people, especially when doesn’t match your desired experience. You will feel the misalignment in your body and start to become acutely aware of your words.
Are you ready to change your story?
If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, I will be teaching a class on Emotional Healing and Empowerment at Miracles of Joy Metaphysical Shop in Bedford on Sep 27th from 7-9 pm.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Jeff Scholl is a Certified Spiritual Life Coach through Holistic Learning Centers and a Board-Certified Holistic Health Practitioner through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.
Learn more at: https://www.apathtopeace.org/